A healthy lifestyle for a healthier you

Homemade Shampoo Bar

Homemade Shampoo Bar
photo by wellnessmama.com

Are you looking for a healthier alternative to a store bought shampoo to use at home or to use when on a trip? There are many recipes that you can use to make homemade shampoo. However, many are for a liquid soap. All is not lost though, as you can just make a DIY solid shampoo bar.

Making a DIY solid shampoo bar is similar to making a homemade soap. You can make a batch using a stove or even a crockpot. Heat is important to make sure the ingredients mix together property. Another thing to keep in mind is having molds available.

A solid DIY shampoo bar requires four to six weeks to cure. Once your bars have cured, they are ready to use. Keep some to use yourself and package some to have as a homemade gift. Lather up your hands with a bar and wash your hair as you normally would. Instructions to make your own DIY shampoo bars can be found on wellnessmama.com here…

Homemade Shampoo Bar