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DIY Perfume Roll-On

DIY Perfume Roll-On
photo by hotelwilderness.com

Are you using a store bought perfume when getting around for work or when you want to go out on the town? Store bought beauty products, like perfume, contains many chemicals and additives. What you need to do instead is make a DIY perfume roll-on.

The best thing about a DIY perfume roll-on is it is easy to carry. You can keep it in your car, your purse, or even in a desk drawer at work. This perfume works just like a regular roll-on deodorant. The only difference is an armpit application is not necessary.

A DIY perfume roll-on will require a glass or plastic roll-on bottle. The best place to find will probably be on a site like Amazon. The pieces of flowers are not crucial for the perfume, but they give it a pretty appearance. Roll on the perfume and keep the bottle handy to reapply as needed. Instructions to make your own DIY perfume roll-on are available on hotelwilderness.com here…

DIY Perfume Roll-On