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DIY Aromatherapy Inhaler

DIY Aromatherapy Inhaler
photo by mommypotamus.com

Do you or others in your home get congested a lot no matter the time of year? If you rely on medicines or vapor creams, then you may want to look at other options. A healthier solution for congestion will be to make a DIY aromatherapy inhaler.

Making a DIY aromatherapy inhaler is not a difficult thing to do. In fact, you will only need to have the right essential oils to make a DIY homemade inhaler. The best types of essential oils to use for your inhaler are lavender and tea tree. Juniper berry is also a good choice.

You will also need some empty containers to make a DIY aromatherapy inhaler. The best place to get a large supply for family and friends is on Amazon. Inhale from an inhaler in each nostril for at least 2 to 3 seconds and then exhale. Repeat as needed throughout the day. Instructions to make a DIY aromatherapy inhaler can be fond on mommypotamus.com here…

DIY Aromatherapy Inhaler