A healthy lifestyle for a healthier you

Homemade Foot Powder

Homemade Foot Powder
photo by livinglocurto.com

Are you spending a lot of money on foot powder to remove bad odor from shoes? These products contain all sorts of additives and synthetic compounds that are absorbed by the skin. What you will need to do is make a homemade foot powder that is all natural.

The best thing about a homemade foot powder is that you may already have many of the ingredients. Look in your kitchen to see what is available and what you need to obtain. The two main ingredients to have on hand for this project will be baking soda and corn starch.

You can keep your homemade foot powder in a mason jar or other suitable container. A bottle used for baby powder will be ideal. Simply sprinkle a bit of your powder in a pair of shoes or other footwear as needed. Once a day for about a week and then just once every other day will be best. Instructions to make a homemade foot powder are available on livinglocurto.com here...

Homemade Foot Powder