A healthy lifestyle for a healthier you

Green Tea And Coconut Oil Moisturizer

Green Tea And Coconut Oil Moisturizer
photo by helloglow.co

Do you apply store bought creams with ingredients to reduce inflammation? These kinds of ingredients will be mostly additives and synthetic compounds that are not always healthy. If you want a healthy option for irritated skin, then you should make a green tea and coconut oil moisturizer.

Many homemade moisturizers typically have coconut oil as an ingredient. However, you will find that a green tea and coconut oil moisturizer will have fantastic results. The reason why it works really well is due to the antioxidants and healing properties of green tea.

Simply mix all the ingredients in a double boiler and then run it through a filter. Once the mixture cools it needs to be whipped to the consistency you prefer. Simply rub some of the moisturizer on any dry skin or to help heal a skin ailment like psoriasis. You can also use this green tea and coconut oil moisturizer on sun damaged skin. Instructions to make your own green tea and coconut oil moisturizer are on helloglow.co here...