A healthy lifestyle for a healthier you

Make a Summer Berry Smoothie

photo by aroundmyfamilytable.com

Do you have strawberries growing in your garden or buy the best selection that you can find from your local grocery store? This fruit is a fantastic ingredient to use in a lot of healthy recipes for snacks and lots of healthy foods. You can even make a summer berry smoothie.

Strawberries are the main ingredient, but you will need a few other fruits to make a tasty summer berry smoothie at home. You can use some raspberries, blueberries, blackberries or a combination berries. You can also include a few vegetables too, like beets for some natural sugar, if you want.

All you will need to mix the ingredients for your summer berry smoothie is a blender. One thing you might want to do is use crushed ice instead of cubed ice as it will blend easier. Fresh squeezed orange juice can be used as a liquid ingredient or you can buy some at the store. Instructions to make a tasty summer berry smoothie can be found on aroundmyfamilytable.com here...

Make a Summer Berry Smoothie