A healthy lifestyle for a healthier you

Homemade Wool Dryer Balls

Homemade Wool Dryer Balls
photo by mommypotamus.com

Are you looking for a way to save some money and reduce the use of chemical products when you are doing your laundry? There are various types of organic products available, but these can be pricey. One way to save some money is to make homemade wool dryer balls.

There are actually a lot of homemade wool dryer balls you may not know. They do not add any type of coating to fabrics like a commercial fabric softener and they also help to reduce static. You can use as many as you want in your dryer, depending on the size of your load.

Making homemade wool dryer balls at home is really easy to do. All you will need is some yarn that is 100 percent wool. The yarn also needs to be non-washable. Once your balls of yarn are done, they will need to be prepared in your dryer before they can be used. Instructions to make your own homemade wool dryer balls are on mommypotamus.com here...

Homemade Wool Dryer Balls