A healthy lifestyle for a healthier you

DIY Aftershave For Men

DIY Aftershave For Men
photo by sixdollarfamily.com

Do you or someone you know use store bought aftershave on a daily basis? These products all have an assortment of synthetic compounds that are not good for long-term health. You will be better off using a DIY aftershave for men.

You may find that a DIY aftershave for men is actually really effective and will be easy to make. You might be surprised to know that you may already have some of the ingredients at home. The main ingredients in the recipe you will use are aloe vera and witch hazel. You will also need to use a carrier oil.

Essential oils are also crucial to make a DIY aftershave for men. You will need peppermint essential oil and Juniper essential oil. Simply mix the ingredients and add it to a soap pump dispenser. One thing that will be really neat about making your own aftershave, is you can experiment with different ingredients. The instructions to make your own DIY aftershave for men are on sixdollarfamily.com here...

DIY Aftershave For Men