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Make Homemade Fruit Leather

photo by wellnessmama.com

Do you buy a lot of snack items like fruit rolls up at the grocery store? These types of snack are a tasty treat for sure, but they are also made with processed sugars and other additives. A better alternative for you to have at home is to make homemade fruit leather.

You can use almost any type of tasty fruit to make a homemade fruit leather. A terrific option is to use some fresh strawberries from your garden. Store bought strawberries will work too. The best thing is you will not be using any unhealthy ingredients. In fact, you will use honey for a natural sugar.

Your oven or a dehydrator is all you will need to make homemade fruit leather. Simply puree all of the strawberries and any optional ingredients in a blender or a food processor. Once all the water burns off of the mixture, the leather will be ready to cut into strips. The instructions to make homemade fruit leather are available on wellnessmama.com here...

Make Homemade Fruit Leather