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Make DIY Canvas Grocery Bags

Make DIY Canvas Grocery Bags
photo by fabyoubliss.com

Are you looking for ways to help the environment by changing the things you do or use? A lot of people who shop for groceries typically do not think about using their own grocery bags. If you want to stop bringing plastic grocery bags home, then you need to make DIY canvas grocery bags.

An old drop cloth or other type of heavy fabric can be used to make DIY canvas grocery bags. This is a great way to help the environment and do a craft project at home. One thing to keep in mind is some grocery stores may start charging for providing bags at the checkout. 
Making your own DIY canvas grocery bags is not hard to do. The best thing is, you are able to decorate these bags anyway you want. You can use a stencil or even make a monogram. These bags may also be something you can make as a homemade gift. Instructions to make DIY canvas grocery bags are available on fabyoubliss.com here...

Make DIY Canvas Grocery Bags