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Homemade Vicks Vapor Shower Disks

photo by popsugar.com

The transition from the cold of winter to the warmth that comes with spring is often when people will a stuffy nose and develop congestion problems. If you unfortunate enough to have these issues every year, then you might find that homemade Vicks vapor shower disks will be helpful.

Making your own homemade Vicks vapor shower disks at home is not all that complicated. All you need to do is mix all the ingredients and pour the mixture into muffin tins or candy molds. The disks can be any size you want, but larger disks will last a bit longer. Just make sure to use liners with muffin tins.

You can use your homemade Vicks vapor shower disks anytime you are in the shower. Another option you may want to try is adding a disk to a hot glass of water. The vapor combined with steam is helpful to beat back any congestion and symptoms of a cold. Instructions to make your own homemade Vicks vapor shower disks are on popsugar.com here...

Homemade Vicks Vapor Shower Disks