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Homemade Cheesecake Filled Strawberries

photo by dessertnowdinnerlater.com

Are you looking for a tasty and healthy snack that is made with some fresh strawberries? The options will be numerous depending on what you want to make. A fantastic idea that will be super easy to do is prepare a selection of homemade cheesecake stuffed strawberries. These will be absolutely fabulous.

A knife and some cheesecake filling are all you will need to make cheesecake stuffed strawberries. You are not going to waste any of the fruit when making these tasty treats at home. Blueberries can be used for a topper if you want to add some visual appeal to your treats.

Making cheesecake stuffed strawberries does not involve a lot of work. Once you cut the ends off each strawberry, make a cross cut on the tip. Simply pipe the filling in each cut and watch your strawberries expand. Just make sure the strawberries have been chilled for at least an hour before serving. Instructions to make a batch of cheesecake filled strawberries are on dessertnowdinnerlater.com here...

Homemade Cheesecake Filled Strawberries