A healthy lifestyle for a healthier you

Homemade Baby Powder

Homemade Baby Powder
photo by naturallymindful.com

Are you using store bought baby powder that contains talc or other synthetic ingredients. You need to stop using these products and find something that is healthier. The only real alternative will be to make your own homemade baby powder that also has a calming effect.

The process to make homemade baby powder is actually pretty easy. You will use an arrowroot or similar type of powder and other natural ingredients. The best thing is, you are making a product without any chemicals or additives. A few essential oils can be used too, but they are an optional ingredient.

You will need to use a food processor to blend the ingredients to make your homemade baby powder. Just pour your powder into a suitable container. A bottle or even a spice container is a perfect option for your baby powder. The baby powder will be good for about six months, if it lasts that long. Instructions to make a homemade baby powder are available on naturallymindful.com here...

Homemade Baby Powder